Josh Scuby

Joshua , Jehoshuah or Yehoshua (יְהוֹשֻׁע‎, يشع بن نون‎). I enjoy controlling others' minds with psychic influence.


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A romantic notion of the Prague Castle amplified my interest in the sounds emanating from a section of the descending steps. I had no idea what the instrument was until I returned to Toronto and actually did a touch of research. Surprising that I didn’t figure it out earlier, or actually ask the Praguer playing the mythical mobile air-powered piano himself at that very moment. Digress & behold… It was a melodica?  Makes sense. My original interest makes sense. My subconscious makes sense. I think anyone who is a fan of reggae music is an instant fan of the melodica; whether they know it or not (irrespective of note/chord/timing differentiation). Sounds are raw and unmistakable to the inner recesses of the mind.

In honour of the potent power of music and my first ever blog post I have donated $25 to MusicBox Children’s Charity in Toronto. They are a local community organization that helps promote interest in the musical arts to children and youth with disadvantages.


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