Save your Eatzies to Evernote


We’re certainly not the only startup with a big passion for food. During a recent chat to Evernote’s Phil Libin he told us he’s a big foodie himself, saving photos of every meal he eats to Evernote. It even resulted in a separate app called Evernote Food.

It got us thinking on how we could contribute to starting your own personal cookbook on Evernote. And when Phil informed us on the upcoming Evernote Devcup, we decided to turn this brainwave into a fun little project.

As of today all of our users will be able to connect their Foodzy account to Evernote, in order to backup all of the recipes (Eatzies) you create on Foodzy. A full list of ingredients, amounts, calories, bits, tags and cooking instructions will be automatically saved to your Evernote notebook. This way you’ll always have your favourite eatzies at hand, whether you need dinner inspiration or a grocery list.

Eatzies are an easy way of creating your own recipes or food combos on Foodzy. Your favorite homemade sandwich? Or Jamie Oliver’s Pasta Carbonara? Just add all the different ingredients to create an Eatzy. Next time you – or your friends – eat the dish: Just check it in all at once. Easy does it! Just set up your Evernote connection in your Settings Panel > Services

Sync your Foodzy recipes to Evernote

6evernote, eatzies,