Roshan abraham — There was a race of giants so tall that their...

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There was a race of giants so tall that their heads pushed through the clouds & into heaven. Lots of people were offended by this, so all the kings of the 17,569,408 kingdoms of heaven & earth decided to pass a law. The law made it illegal for the giants to pass their heads through clouds. The giants said, “you’ve just made it illegal to be giants.” And all the kings and gross ruler people said, “no we just made it illegal for you to defile heaven with your gross heads.” so the rulers came up with a compromise: they would pay for the giants to have their heads removed. The giants said, “I think that’s actually a really bad idea.” But the kings and gross ruler people didn’t care because they were dicks, and they cut off all the giants’ heads anyway. There aren’t any giants anymore because giants need their heads to live. All the kings and gross ruler people are dead now too because they choked on a bag of dicks.