
Seeing as how supporting democrats has done little to improve the lives of black people in America, the obvious answer is that they would be better served by voting for republicahaaah hahahah ahahahahah haaa hahahahaahahahahah haaa hahahahaahahahahah haaa hahahahaahahahahah haaa hahahahahaaahahahah ahahahahah haaa hahahahaahahahahah haaa hahahahaahahahahah haaa hahahahaahahahahah haaa hahahaha *wipes tear from eye, catches breath* bwaaahahahahahahah haaa haaahhhhahahaahahahahah haaa hahahahaahahahahah haaa hahahahaahahahahah haaa hahahaha

Exactly, so vote Libertarian

stop my sides still hurt from that first outburst of laughter i can’t take any more


It takes a special kind of dishonesty to act like libertarian groups have done anything but cast people from Ferguson in an awful racist light

all I’ve heard from libertarians is that ferguson residents should obey their government because freedom is for whites only.

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