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The Purpose of Education

This post was submitted as part of TheLearningBrain’s Purpose of Education Project. Be A Part of the Project. 

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see the other responses: http://sheamusburns.com/tagged/purposeofeducation

I believe that the purpose of education is to teach people to think. My parents never gave me a direct answer to my questions about what I should do. They always asked me to consider the pros and cons, then make my own decision. While there are certain things that one must learn by rote, such as how to spell, how to do basic math, how to read, etc.; the ultimate goal of learning all of these things, is to be able to think coherently and logically. One can always ask for input as one makes a decision, but one must own that decision once it is made. After all, if one acts on that decision, then one has chosen that decision, thus one is responsible for its consequences, and one owns it, whether one admits it or not.

PurposeOfEducation submission education