fuck this
you heard it here first

Arcanum is a cool game because I was just reading a thread on a game forum in which folks were talking about how certain areas are more tech-y or magical and will affect the player’s aptitude for either (and so skills linked to magic or tech) accordingly, and someone replied with, “Wait… woah. What? I have literally never noticed this in my 11 years playing this game.” It’s just full of random fleshy stuff like that, and it doesn’t particularly care to make it obvious to you.

(I get that, “Doesn’t tell you about notable game mechanics,” isn’t necessarily a plus to a lot of folks, but we all have our tastes and gosh do I love apathetic games.)

Tagged: there's a lady-lovin' she-dragon who I've been trying to find on and off for five years (I could just Google it but that takes almost all the fun out) nerdism videogames ME ME ME
11 Jul 2014    1 note
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