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Mechanic Lemon rises

Kent here! It’s with great pleasure that I announce our participation in this awesome spooky jam! We’re the Lemon team! A group of acid humored people making games because of reasons! Our setup varies from jam to jam. This time, we’re Andre Kent, messing with artsy jibber-jabber and programming. Kauê Lemos, summoning awesome soundtracks from the depths of infinity and Valentine Reina as our general support in pretty much everything from graphics to storytelling and quality assurance!

In this jam we thought of a little stealth point-and-click about kids who need cursed items from a haunted house. The house in Old Avenue, number 82, is a haunted place with legends of spirits that go way back to Salem. Nilo, Ambrosia’s young sister, started having recurring nightmares about the house since her family moved into the neighborhood. Ambrosia assembled a team of daring kids to try and help her little sister get rid of her restless sleep.

Kauê started drafting a bunch of songs for different situations. Ambrosia’s theme is my personal favorite! <3

Kent made a bunch of sketches about the idea:


This is the current logo, wich we’re still not quite sure about.


The first character to be developed was Ambrosia, a gothic looking girl with short white hair. As the game mechanics and idea evolved from being a “Hide-and-seek” game with ghosts (requiring me to rethink the characters as being somewhat younger, around 8 ~ 10 years old) I drew a tiny sprite-like concept of what she’d look like. I didn’t feel the game was much attractive as it was, so I made Ambrosia taller again now with long messy hair and around the age of 13 ~ 15. The game idea then evolved into being a treasure-hunt game and I re-used the first concept (the 8 year old one) to make Nilo, Ambrosia’s mute 5 year old little sister. The other characters were to be selectable, each with perks and flaws. They might not get implemented in the jam version though. (If I have the time, I will. Promisse.)


These are some sketches for the game mechanics. The whole game will be played with the mouse (with some alternate keys for the keyboard, of kewrs). The enemies will have line of sight. If you’re spotted, an eye in the HUD will open, so you know you’re being watched. A “Scare’O-Metter” will compose the interface, divided in 4 sections, but I won’t spoil the fun. You have to search every desk, shelf and corner for whatever you’re looking for… but something may be looking for you.


The spirits. They were tricky and annoying to do because I can’t scare myself… mostly because I’m fearless *cough* -not. But because I can’t conceive the actual meaning of “scary”, so I worked with contrasts and unnatural things. Maybe they’ll do the trick… maybe not. (But I friggin hope they do).


Logos. Yeah… well… many names were thought for the game.


And this is the final mockup~

Well, I hope you guys like the idea! I think it will be hella fun to make! We’ll see each other in the pack! MUWAHAHA!