June 9, 2012
Sonnet 4

And now the world is quiet: here is she.

The light is drained and forces cease to act.

And to my shock, lo, here she seeth me,

And here I now recall those things I lack.

Her lips doth move, and, watch, for here I’m still,

And now my lady lifts her voice along,

But even then, when silence ears did fill,

With her to me the world was as a song.

For here we see a muse sit near a man,

And taken by her beauty I now speak.

I feel words fail, though hear, a laugh began,

And grow'th until its full; my knees grow weak.

Miserum me, no more in all the land!

I am a man who seek Venerian hand.

1:48am  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/Zrxd5vN2619G
Filed under: sonnet poetry 
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