The Bee

Q&A with Jessie Lee, founder of Soleil Trinity


We’re excited for the upcoming Dinner & Divination night, in collaboration with Soleil Trinity! The night will feature a delicious dinner and also 5 different types of readings: tarot card, palm, face, i-ching and bazi analysis. We understand that for many, this will be the first time experiencing readings of this nature so we asked Jessie Lee, founder of Soleil Trinity, to give us a better idea of what to expect. Read on!

Jessie Lee had a very spiritual upbringing, having grown up in a temple. She has a deep-rooted passion in helping people overcome obstacles in their lives. She founded Soleil Trinity to provide classes and consultations for life empowerment. 


How would you describe Soleil Trinity?

Soleil Trinity represents the Universe (governed by the sun, or soleil in French) and everything that evolves around it can be compartmentalised into 3 parts: the heaven, earth and man factor of luck; the mind, body and spirit; or the maiden, mother and crone concept. Everything that governs our lives can be from these 3 different aspects.

In your opinion, how seriously should someone take their readings?

I will say that ALL readings’ accuracy will be up to 33.33% for it only governs one third of our lives. Hence, it serves as a very good guiding tool but we should never depend solely on it. Destinies are in our own hands. We all create our own destinies.

What happens when your customer gets a less than positive reading? How do you handle their reactions?

Me and my team of consultants focus on the solutions rather than just delivering the reading. In every situation, we will often give our solutions. I think this is what makes us, the destiny consultants, different from fortune tellers.

Can you briefly introduce the readings offered at our event?

Typically, bazi, face and palm readings are great tools to look into personalities and can offer more long-term analyses. As for the divinative tools of I-Ching and Tarot, it’s very good and accurate for current situations or specific questions.

Does the participant need to bring anything to the event next month? Like a birth time? 

Yes, if they have their own birth time, that’d be great. But it’s NOT compulsory. It is only needed for bazi consultations. The other readings do not require this info. Just be present and show your face or we will talk to the ‘hands’ ;)

What would you say to skeptics to persuade them to check out this event?

I will just say that we are NOT gypsies with magic wands or crystal balls. We are all consultants looking into the study of possibilities and probabilities based on the data we gather, either from your date of birth, face or your palm to analyse to possible outcome of your life path, depending on your current actions or beliefs. If you do not like the outcome, change your actions.

Plus, we humans are very practical beings. Any form of knowledge or tools that are inaccurate would not be passed down over generations. And Chinese astrologies can be traced back thousands of years.

For those new to readings, what can they expect from the event?

Just relax. Enjoy and take it as a chance to know yourself better. All readings will look into a person’s strengths and weaknesses. It can be a very good platform to bring some awareness to self. And we all know that with awareness, comes change ;)

Click here to get info on how you can register for this event.

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