B Michael Tumblr

B Michael Tumblr is the personal weblog of B Michael Payne.

Can we talk about rymdkapsel for a moment?
This freaking game! Oh man, I have not been so addicted/captivated/entertained/challenged by a mobile game in so long. The idea behind it is to build those brown things, corridors, to reach all the...

Can we talk about rymdkapsel for a moment?

This freaking game! Oh man, I have not been so addicted/captivated/entertained/challenged by a mobile game in so long. The idea behind it is to build those brown things, corridors, to reach all the monoliths, which you research. Every few minutes, a Wave occurs and you get attacked. There are a few things:

  • Every piece is a ‘Tetris-shape’ piece.
  • You place the pieces for free, but build them with resources.
  • Your little people cart the resources around.
  • They move at a constant rate, and once your city gets big enough that rate is too damn slow.
  • Every few minutes, these asshole red stripes fly in and shoot your guys. Your guys will die valiantly, or stupidly if they’re carrying a pink square, blue block, green blob, or yellow triangle.
  • You might think you need to get to all the pink resource stations, but I’m starting to suspect you don’t. It just takes too damn long to build them.
  • I’m not entirely sure how beneficial researching the monoliths is, but since that’s the ostensive point of the game I’ve been trying like a mad person to do so, and it’s really hard.
  • By Wave 10 or so, pretty much all your people will die every time and you’ll barely have time to food service up to six or so more people and place one or two resources into new buildings or research for a few moments until it happens all over again.
  • I expect by Wave 20, you either have researched all the monoliths or all you lost the game a few Waves ago.

This game is incredible. Holy moly. Rymdkapsel is a smarter ant farm. I love it.