Absent Minded — Last year around tennis season, someone forcefully...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Last year around tennis season, someone forcefully stopped me by grabbing my bag when I was walking to practice… The sun was blazing hot and I was immediately alarmed by this action. I looked up and recognized his unfamiliar face. He was a student of my school and he had TEARS in his eyes. Before I could speak, he whimpered:“ Please…… Can you help me? I really need help. Can you help me explain something to her?” I immediately nodded and looked at “her”. She was another unfamiliar but recognizable face that looked somewhat annoyed. He continued:“ She does not want to be friends with me anymore…… She doesn’t want to talk to me anymore. People were telling her that I am NOT COOL, that I am WEIRD, that I DO NOT FIT IN…” *sob* “We have been friends since middle school. She never cared about how we act around others but now… now everything is differen-” The girl suddenly shouted:“ THIS IS HIGH SCHOOL! THIS IS DIFFERENT! I WANT TO FIT IN! I WANT TO BE COOL! You don’t understand what people talk behind your back…… It is EMBARRASSING to be your friend….. ” Chills ran through my back as those venomous words sprayed from her mouth…. I laughed…. I laughed at her with a frail smile and I replied:“ If you are going to abandon friendship for popularity, If you are going to abandon friendship for swag, if you are GOING TO ABANDON A FRIEND WHO IS BEGGING YOU TO NOT DITCH HIM AND CHASE AFTER SOMETHING SO SUPERFICIAL, then best wishes on the rest of your high school because you are going to need it.” I left her in shock… I turned around and said to the boy:“ its okay… You don’t need her. There are plenty of people who accept you for who you are in this school. We appreciate originality and we appreciate you. Thank you for being a loyal friend and a great Charger. You will be fine without someone like her.” That day, the walk to practice was accompanied by a smile on my face. As a senior, I CANNOT stress enough about the importance of INDIVIDUALITY while I am talking to underclassmen. It is okay to be weird :) It is okay to be different :) It is OKAY TO BE YOURSELF because you are you! You are the only person in the world with your experience and your intelligence! YOU ARE UNIQUE AND SPECIAL! As my spanish teacher always says: “ The world is a better place because of you!” <3 Now go on and tackle your studies, my friends :) Thank you very much for reading this post and remember: I am very thankful for your existence and I appreciate each and everyone of you <3