Anonymous asked:

If disabled people produce less in their jobs (by definition being "less productive), shouldn't it make sense that they get paid less? I'm sure some people abuse the right to pay them less by doing things like paying cents on the dollar, but isn't it logically sound to pay someone who produces less... Less money? It just makes sense.

that means that this disable person has to probably find more jobs to get paid the same as their able-bodied counterparts. and if they are supposedly less productive, they may not find those jobs to begin with. what sense does it make to have someone do two or three jobs when their counterparts have to do one? i’m not concerned with this productivity in capitalism bullshit. people need to eat, they need to have clothing, they need money. and there are plenty of able-bodied people being a hell of a lot unproductive than their disabled counterparts so just assuming disabled people are less productive is ableist. end of story. 

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