Paul Jay Comma Comic



Liquid Feet performs a water ballet to the theme from Love Boat.

This is the video that opened our last show. It gave me the worse sunburn I’ve ever had.

I hope you enjoy it.

This made me horse-laugh in my empty apartment

(via davechild)


  1. grexys reblogged this from thejodylinn and added:
    Thank you. Thank you so much.
  2. thejodylinn reblogged this from pauljay
  3. pauljay reblogged this from davechild and added:
    This made me horse-laugh in my empty apartment
  4. davechild reblogged this from liquidfeet and added:
    This is the video that opened our last show. It gave me the worse sunburn I’ve ever had. I hope you enjoy it.
  5. liquidfeet posted this