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“ “On the day you are born, you will share it with 17 million other people. During your 10 years in school, you will make, on average, at least 20 good friends. By the time you’re 40, that number will have dropped down to 3. You...


“On the day you are born, you will share it with 17 million other people. During your 10 years in school, you will make, on average, at least 20 good friends. By the time you’re 40, that number will have dropped down to 3. You will grow 950km of hair. You will laugh an average 18 times a day. You will walk the equivalent of 3 times the circumference of the Earth. You will eat 30 tonnes of food, and drink 9,000 cups of coffee or tea. On average, you will spend 15 years of your life at work, 20 years sleeping, 3 years on the toilet, 7 months waiting in traffic, 2 months on hold, and 19 days looking for the TV remote. This leaves you with just one fifth of your life to actually live… So what the hell are you waiting for?


Written/submitted by: these-greatexpectations

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