Underground New York Public Library

By Ourit.

The Underground New York Public Library is a visual library featuring the Reading-Riders of the NYC subways.
This project is not affiliated with The New York Public Library.


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“Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim,” by David Sedaris 

Read Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim


  1. thedailykj reblogged this from unypl and added:
    Reblogging because I’m reading this! Also, this is an amazing blog of literature on the NYC Subways!
  2. galaxycunt reblogged this from unypl
  3. blacktidebooks reblogged this from unypl and added:
    My favorite new BOOK TUMBLR: Underground New York Public Library, documenting the books people are reading on the...
  4. izisjb reblogged this from unypl
  5. mercutiomadhat said: How has no one said anything about the guy’s beard? That is epic. Beyond epic. If I could grow a beard… man… I’d go for that.
  6. karenehr13-blog reblogged this from unypl
  7. unypl posted this
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