Nanncie Santana

Empowerment Lifestyle Coach
* Intuitive Spiritual Teacher * Hypnotherapist * Motivational Speaker * #chooseLOVEguru * Kundalini Yoga Teacher * ThetaHealing®

Practitioner * Reiki Master

✨ Divine Angel Guidance ✨
Romance 💫 Commitment
The Angels send this message - romance is in the air. If you’ve been praying for a committed romantic relationship this card comes to you to affirm your desires are being manifested. The Angels say you...

✨ Divine Angel Guidance ✨
Romance 💫 Commitment
The Angels send this message - romance is in the air. If you’ve been praying for a committed romantic relationship this card comes to you to affirm your desires are being manifested. The Angels say you will know when the right person comes into your life like a knight on a white horse. When the topics (communication that serves your highest good & is alignment with who you are) your heart will flutter - you will be swept off your feet. Don’t rush this situation. It will come in Divine timing. The Angels will guide this joyful event in your life.
#cardoftheday #love #relationships #SoulHEALER #Archangels #ArchangelRaphael #IntuitiveCoach #SpiritualCoach #Holistic #AngelGuidance #Loved #Blessed #THANKFUL #Light #Love #LIGHTWORKER #manifesting #prayer #faith #guided #highestgood #OM #namaste