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if i wanted to fuck you

i would wake up buried in your collarbones
i would sit on the edge of my bed
spine ridges arched pointing directly into my closet
of skeletons

if i wanted to fuck you

i would make home in your lap
undress you like your mother did
kissing your rib cage wishing i could sink into every inch of you

if i wanted to fuck you

i would bite holes through your neck into your throat
i would unbury you like a corpse
i would give you reason to breathe

if i wanted to fuck you

i would glide myself like sound waves bouncing off of you
make you memorize my name like i was born for you to whimper it

if i wanted to fuck you

there would be miles of shredded skin
there would be scars on your back where for once in my life i wanted someone to be

but if i wanted to make love to you

i would buy you a train ticket
i would sound proof my room
i would border up my windows

if i wanted to make love to you

you should be nothing less
than terrified

(via wittybrevity)

This is brilliant

(via victrola-lush-sublime)

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