June 17, 2011
to be myself

So I’m struggling internally with the idea of how to express art that is possibly offensive to some people.  I have a project that I have released two cd’s with but is primarily “worship” or “christian” in genre.  The new music I am writing covers the same theme’s in some way but from a much darker, abrasive place. 

I feel a need to not betray my listeners trust by releasing something so different under the same artistic project, but at the same time feel frustrated with myself that I feel the need to have multiple projects so I don’t offend people.  I’m pretty confused right now from that perspective. 

should an artist be able to have an album that has worship songs on it, songs about relationships, and songs that condemn the church?  should you be able to drop an F bomb in one song, and then see about Jesus’ love in the next?  Should I be writing songs that have God saying “I love you so damn much” and “while you sit on your ass I’ll set things right at last." 

Kinda searching for the right balance and the right answers.  confused.