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  1. Quote

    Ocean (God), Wave (the Living Master/Sant Satguru) and Drop (the Soul):

    The relationship between the Supreme Being, the Guru and the jivas [souls] has been well compared with ocean, its wave and the drop. The Supreme Being is the ocean of all bliss, light, life, sound and truth. The Guru is the wave which is always in union with the ocean and not different from it and the jiva [soul] with the same attributes is a drop far away from the ocean. This contact between the drop and the wave is the true Bhakti [path of love]. Therefore, emphasis has been laid upon establishing contact between the Guru and the disciples at all levels, that is, physical, mental and spiritual. This contact would be developed through the company of the Guru, both external and internal. The external company of the Guru is called the ‘external satsang’ and the internal company of the Shabd form of the Guru is called the ‘internal satsang’. There are four essentials on which this faith bases its tenets:

    1. Sat-guru

    2. Sat-sang

    3. Sat-anurag (True Bhakti)

    4. Sat-nam (the true name, that is, Radhasoami Nam) or Sat-shabd

    By the Seva [service] and the Satsang [true association] of the Guru the spirit entity would slowly and slowly shake off the coverings [sheaths, subtle bodies] and would be able to catch the Sound Currents and one day reach the Ultimate Abode. The whole process may take a period of four lives which may be shortened in the case of more ardent devotees.

    For the attainment of perfect salvation, the Radhasoami Faith like all other Sant sects, shuns all other paraphernalia and external observances and rituals. It has emphasized upon the pure love in the holy feet of the Supreme Being and the Guru. As such it denounces hatred and discrimination among the human beings. All are the children of one Father and as such there is no place for such a discrimination in point of caste, creed or color and thus cannot check one to adopt this faith. According to the Radhasoami Faith, women are entitled to enjoy the same privileges as men. They also can practice Surat Shabd Yoga and gain high spiritual attainments. The champions of this enlightened faith, advocated in the social set up of the nineteenth century the removal of the purdah system for the ladies and urged them to come out of the narrow social restrictions and respond to the call of the time. Moreover, their preachings strengthened the disintegrating Hindu society by effacing the false barriers of caste prejudices.

    In a nut-shell, Radhasoami Faith is a gospel of love. Love towards the holy feet of Radhasoami Dayal [Merciful Lord of the Soul], love towards the Guru of the time and love with all the human beings is its cardinal message.

    Prof. Agam Prasad Mathur, Petals of Love

    Tagged: spiritual path, spirituality, sant mat, radhasoami, gospel of love, love, bhakti, satguru, satsang, sat anurag, sat nam, sat naam,
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Here you will find Words of Light and Love for the Spiritual Journey – Bhakti (Love) of the Inner Light and Sound of God – This Living Gnostic School of Spirituality from INDIA is called Sant Mat, the Path of the Masters. I'm from #Maine, a researcher exploring the Path of the Masters and Mystics, a collector of sacred texts and the discourses of spiritual Masters, vegan, and practice Inner Light and Sound Meditation in a spirit of Bhakti (Love and Devotion for the Supreme Being, the Formless Lord of the Soul, the Ocean of Love and All-consciousness). Am conspiring to make the world more peaceful, #vegan, and spiritually awake. (James Bean, Sant Mat Society of North America and Spiritual Awakening Radio)

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Brief Summary of Teachings of Sant Mat, The Path of the Masters

* All souls (jivas) are in essence drops of love from the Ocean of God.

* The attachment and association with mind and body makes the soul lose sight of the real Self.

* God assumes the form of a Saint (Sant Sat Guru) to lead the soul back to its Original Home.

* One must surrender one's entire being to the Ocean of Love of which we are a part, instead of limiting ourselves to sensual pleasures which leave us unhappy and discontented.

* This can be done by the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga [Inner Light and Sound Meditation].

* By attuning oneself to the Life Current which proceeds from the Heart of Anami Purush [God, The Nameless One/Radhaswami] in the form of Light and Sound, one can finally achieve union with the True Self, finding the joy one is seeking. (R.S. White Paper on Religion of Sants and Radhasoami Faith)

* Consider the following as the requirements to attain liberation:

1) Trust and belief in God;

2) Commitment to seek the Divine within;

3) Devotion to a living spiritual master;

4) Listening to the teaching of the spiritual discourse including study of the teachings of the saints and the scriptures; and,

5) Diligent meditation practice. (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)


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Sant Mat Library – Recommended Reading – The Path of the Masters

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Introduction to Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation

Sant Mat Surat Shabd Yoga Radhasoami Guru Lineage Charts

Charts of the Heavens, Inner Regions

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