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    The Oppressive Anti-Veg Legacy of the Meat-Eating Messiah, by James Bean

    It was fun to research and bring together all of those amazing veg passages, including from a Syriac-Aramaic version of the Gospel of Luke that escaped orthodox editors, containing a clearly vegetarian saying of Jesus.

    1): Uncovering A Vegetarian Jesus at the Beginning of Christianity: And,

    2): Evidence That Jesus and The Original Aramaic Christians Were Vegetarians:

    After that I created a page of the surviving writings (Gospel of the Hebrews, Q, Thomas, Acts of the Ebionites, etc…) that likely goes back to this original group — Jesus Movement or Ebionites:

    Two thousand years ago, the Pythagoreans and Platonists were vegetarians and a huge influence upon Judaism, thus, the Essenes, Therapeutae, Ebionites, and the various Gnostic groups, including the Sethians, were predominantly vegetarian. Also Hermetic philosophy.

    The earliest gospel references to the miracle of the “Feeding of the Multitude” only mentions bread, not fish and bread. Bart Ehrman has done some great talks about “editing” of the gospel manuscripts by orthodox editors. I suspect references to fish were added to this story about the “Feeding of the Multitude” sometime after the time of Irenaeus, who, as a “heresy” hunter, would have been happy to criticize the vegetarianism of various groups by citing it, yet he does not.      .

    John the Baptist’s diet of carob or locust beans got transformed into John eating actual locusts. Paul’s anti-veg point of view prevailed and gave the Western world this oppressive anti-veg Sunday school propaganda. Hopefully more and more people will hear about these veg passages and be liberated from this fake Roman history about a meat-eating messiah.

    Tagged: veg, vegan, vegetarian, essenes, ebionites, jesus, jesus movement, hebrew christians,
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Here you will find Words of Light and Love for the Spiritual Journey – Bhakti (Love) of the Inner Light and Sound of God – This Living Gnostic School of Spirituality from INDIA is called Sant Mat, the Path of the Masters. I'm from #Maine, a researcher exploring the Path of the Masters and Mystics, a collector of sacred texts and the discourses of spiritual Masters, vegan, and practice Inner Light and Sound Meditation in a spirit of Bhakti (Love and Devotion for the Supreme Being, the Formless Lord of the Soul, the Ocean of Love and All-consciousness). Am conspiring to make the world more peaceful, #vegan, and spiritually awake. (James Bean, Sant Mat Society of North America and Spiritual Awakening Radio)

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Brief Summary of Teachings of Sant Mat, The Path of the Masters

* All souls (jivas) are in essence drops of love from the Ocean of God.

* The attachment and association with mind and body makes the soul lose sight of the real Self.

* God assumes the form of a Saint (Sant Sat Guru) to lead the soul back to its Original Home.

* One must surrender one's entire being to the Ocean of Love of which we are a part, instead of limiting ourselves to sensual pleasures which leave us unhappy and discontented.

* This can be done by the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga [Inner Light and Sound Meditation].

* By attuning oneself to the Life Current which proceeds from the Heart of Anami Purush [God, The Nameless One/Radhaswami] in the form of Light and Sound, one can finally achieve union with the True Self, finding the joy one is seeking. (R.S. White Paper on Religion of Sants and Radhasoami Faith)

* Consider the following as the requirements to attain liberation:

1) Trust and belief in God;

2) Commitment to seek the Divine within;

3) Devotion to a living spiritual master;

4) Listening to the teaching of the spiritual discourse including study of the teachings of the saints and the scriptures; and,

5) Diligent meditation practice. (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)


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Introduction to Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation

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Charts of the Heavens, Inner Regions

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