Beyond the moon — my ex (the crazy one from years ago) messaged me...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

my ex (the crazy one from years ago) messaged me out of the blue, said he’d been dreaming about me a lot and wanted to know how i was doing. i took my time writing him back, but it freaked me out because i’d been seeing him in strangers on the street a lot lately.

we exchanged a few messages and it seems he’s no longer married to his also crazy girl. and he asked me out for a beer. just the fact that he would mention alcohol means he is someone who hasn’t been around me in years, but even if it were coffee. even if it were chocolate. i don’t want to have any further contact with him. he was amazing, he was terrible, he was toxic, he was unbelievably important in my life. and he should stay in the past, where he belongs. 

personal post is personal exxxxx

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