Tinfoil Yarmulke

TIN·foyl YAH·muh·kuh (n.): A protective head-covering worn by non-devout Jews to deflect the propaganda beams of Birthright Israel.  
Note: this blog was written in 2011-2012

On Columbus Day

An excerpt from my travel notebook, written after a tour guide ranted about the natives (Jews) having to buy their own land from settlers (Turks and Arabs) when it’s supposed to be the white people ripping off the brown:

Well now I feel fucking guilty about the American Indians.  I guess I always should.  But I don’t feel directly responsible because I don’t identify with the early European Americans.  When I rewind myself to the 1830s, I’m not voting for Andrew Jackson - I’m in a shtetl in Hungary.  I don’t have to feel responsible for genociding the Indians because I am a minority outsider too.

But in Israel, I am the majority.  If I want to use that logic at home, I have to follow its natural extension here.  Am I responsible for the Indians because I am now an American, or am I responsible for the Palestinians because I was then a Jew?

related post: t'nu lashemesh yad

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