“ askatranswoman:
“ Laura Jane Grace, in all her glory. She’s a trans woman, and she’s also the front-woman from Against Me! (yes, the exclamation point is in the name of the band) and they put out this fantastic album, Transgender...



Laura Jane Grace, in all her glory. She’s a trans woman, and she’s also the front-woman from Against Me! (yes, the exclamation point is in the name of the band) and they put out this fantastic album, Transgender Dysphoria Blues, that I will talk about until the end of time. Her writing style is very bracing, and her work comes with a trigger warning, but for anyone that can stomach it, her emotionally powerful lyrics and driving hooks really keep you involved.


(via butternutmosh-blog)

9 years ago 5,732 notes URL
  Tags bae


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