May 3, 2012
imagine jesus carrying a gun

If you’re comfortable risking the use of lethal force to defend your property or that of your neighbors, you’re doing so against the teachings of Jesus. If you’re a Christian and yet you think risking the end of another person’s life to protect your house or possessions is reasonable, we don’t merely have a difference of opinion. I’m calling you out and telling you to repent.

Zimmerman was armed, we’re told, because there had been numerous burglaries in the neighborhood and he wanted to protect his community. By carrying a gun, he implicitly acknowledged his willingness to use it in defense of property. I understand that many Americans have no problem with that. But a Christian must object.

As someone who has been robbed, had guns held to his head, and sat under the threat of lethal force as I watched my apartment being ransacked, I can emphatically say it is wrong to use force to defend your possessions. I did not sit there seething, wishing I had a gun. I offered the men a drink. I share this not because it is remarkable but because it the least that any Christian should be expected to do in similar circumstances.

Hmmm…interesting.  Usually I don’t reblog articles or essays regarding a topic like this, but this one is an interesting one to think about.

(via emmtotheatt)

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