June 10, 2013
Dear the United Methodist Church, the world is changing. I know we’re a global church, and that brings difficulties, but get you’re act together. The longer we wait, the more like idiots we will look in this country. We used to be progressive...

Dear the United Methodist Church, the world is changing.  I know we’re a global church, and that brings difficulties, but get you’re act together.  The longer we wait, the more like idiots we will look in this country.  We used to be progressive world-changers.  Sincerely, Me

(via walks-with-god-deactivated20131)

2:24am  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZtepUym-rY4e
Filed under: LGBT Lutheran UMC 
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    There is hope, says a statement from a Methodist church in NORTH CAROLINA of all places. They are refusing to perform...
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