August 8, 2011

They’ve arrived, haven’t they, (East) Asian American adoptees? Yay.  

H/t to Japanistic Blog:

What does that mean? Well, so many things. But when we are watching tv? One seriously important thing is that it is extremely rare that we find ourselves reflected in ANY mainstream media. Not on tv, not in magazines, unless it’s the constant stories about Angelina and Brad, not in movies. The list goes on.

Last night, I sat and watched less than a minute of a family like ours. A boy, his parents, goofiness, home from college visits, and nothing in the commercial was about how that family came to be. It wasn’t about their adoption journey or being a multiracial family. It was about a family. A Mom and Dad hugging their kid when he came home from school.

It was about being a family, and for that 30 seconds, that was all that mattered. 

The more ordinary we are, the more my family will be able to find books and television shows about all kinds of families. And hopefully, the more people will understand that families like ours ARE ordinary, as are families with same sex parents, or single parents, or parents or children who are alternately abled.

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