December 30, 2012
“ An Ainu woman, one of the indigenous people of northern Japan, in traditional garments, 1890s
Ainu, indigenous people of Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands who were culturally and physically distinct from their Japanese...


An Ainu woman, one of the indigenous people of northern Japan, in traditional garments, 1890s

Ainu, indigenous people of HokkaidoSakhalin, and the Kuril Islands who were culturally and physically distinct from their Japanese neighbours until the second part of the 20th century. The Ainu may be descendants of an indigenous population once widely spread over northern Asia; many contemporary Ainu claim some connection to Japan’s prehistoric Jōmon culture. The traditionalAinu language, an isolate with a number of dialects, had been almost completely supplanted byJapanese by the early 21st century; a language-revitalization movement initiated formal instruction in Ainu in the 1980s. []

(via superkintaro)

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