October 20, 2014








What happened in Puerto Rico

I wanna know what happened in Puerto Rico

It’s too late for me to remember where I put the receipts for this, but IIRC more experiments + forced hysterectomies on women.

^^^ yeap… 

keep in mind Tuskegee happened at a HBCU and lasted 40 years (originally only planned to last 3 months) and the US knew of a ‘cure” penicillin. 

In Puerto Rico: oral birth control pills trials (with not full disclosure given to participants and some deaths during trials) more at PBS “The Puerto Rican Pill Trials“ this also happened in Haiti

My testimonio re: not celebrating the pill here. (tw: white folks don’t like my pov just see comments and this article was posted on other sites where white folks didn’t dig it either).

forced sterilization of PR women (we still have the highest rates of sterilization, read more about the 3 generations of sterilization (non-consensual and consensual) in her book, Matters of Choice, Iris Rodriguez who does qualitative work interviewing women in families, she also coined the phrase “agency within constraints” in her texts about this topic. this has happened with various women of color and women with disabilities throughout US history and currently. 

reblogging for info

Forced Sterilization in the US South as well

The disgusting history of POC and the medical field. So many cases and so much erasure 

(via soufcakmistress)

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