The Lady in the House of Love

Got no time to talk, I'm a dead girl walking!

11,452 notes

“ beatonna:
“ hadrian6:
“ Hercules at the Feet of Omphale. 1912. Gustave Claude Etienne Courtois. French 1853-1923. oil/canvas.
a rare reversal of the nude lady hangin’ out around fully clothed dudes?




Hercules at the Feet of Omphale. 1912. Gustave Claude Etienne Courtois. French 1853-1923. oil/canvas.

a rare reversal of the nude lady hangin’ out around fully clothed dudes?

1912 beefcakes? I guess?

oh hey I know this story! so Hercules had this habit of getting drunk and/or pissed off and killing random dudes, like, the famous labors of Hercules were just one of the MANY MANY punishments handed down to him for killing people because he was a dumb jerk with super-strength

so anyway this time around they made him a queen’s slave for a year or maybe seven, depends, and ever since that story was first told people with a thing for fem dom/male sub have used it in their art and writing because here’s the strongest man in the world under a woman’s sway, doing her weaving and laundry and, in some versions, even dressing in her clothing while she wore his

so yeah, what this is is a 1912 update of ancient Grecian kink

(via jelenedra)

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