The Lady in the House of Love

Got no time to talk, I'm a dead girl walking!

324,909 notes





This was literally the biggest WTF back story this show had.

What gets me is that you’ll see people talking about how she’s in prison for mail fraud and I’m like…

She stalked and almost KILLED a dude and his fiancee, y’all. Stop sanitizing her fuckups just because you like her pin curls and makeup.

She’s also an unabashed racist. Like not microaggressions and “oops that wasn’t my intent” racist.  Flat out knows she’s racist thinks shes’s right about it doesn’t care racist. 

(via accrementitious)

Filed under orange is the new black spoilers YES AND I LOVE THE SHOW NEVER SAYS 'AWW POOR MORELLO' no more than they do for any of the other characters

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