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The tale of two wolves (Ch. 4)

The red wolf awake from his sleep. He sleep only for a moment, thoughts about what the blue wolf said occupy his mind. He walks out of the cave, leaving the blue wolf still in her sleep.

He walks to the lake, then drink from there. He recalls what the blue wolf said about wanting him to stop his quest. He can’t turn back now, he thinks. He made a vow to the god to be the strongest, and he will see it to the end. He will not stop until he become the strongest wolf.

Th thought then moves to the blue wolf itself. He felt something he can’t explain when he sees the blue wolf. Fear? Happiness? Jealousy? Hatred? Awe?


The red wolf never know love, since all the wolves hates him. Yet now, love is the only explanation he can give to himself about his feelings.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps from the woods, breaking his thought about the blue wolf. He quickly turn and see from the woods, the black wolf and the elder comes out of the darkness. The elder sees him with a discerning eye, a slight shock and fear comes to mind, yet not shown. The black wolf however, sees him with a murderous glare, with a grin in his face, knowing that it is now the time to end the red wolf’s life.

The elder moves closer to the red wolf, treading closely as to no make a sudden movement. The red wolf stands ready and prepared. He did not fear the elder, yet the black wolf’s presence trouble him.

“You’re the red wolf everyone talks about? The one who hunts other wolves?” the elder opens conversation with the red wolf.

“Can’t you see? Yes, I am the red wolf. And I did not hunt them, they come to me willingly, wanting to have a battle. I did only giving them what they want.” the red wolf respond to the elder, yet his eyes fixed to the black wolf, watching him.

“How do you come by the blue wolf? Did you search for her because she has a shining fur?” the elder asks again.

“I met her by this lake, when I want to find a drink. I didn’t even know there are other wolf who have shining fur like me.” the red wolf responds, feels that the elder’s question is somehow strange.

“Who are you anyway? What do you want?” the red wolf continues.

“Forgive me for failing to introduce myself first. I am the elder of the pack where she resides,” looking at the blue wolf, “and this is the one who lead me here, saying that the blue wolf has betrayed us.” his eyes goes to the black wolf.

“Betrayed you? What are you talking about?” the red wolf asks in confusion.

“You didn’t kill her when you had the chance, and now you share a cave with her. Does that not make her in your side?” the black wolf suddenly speaks, moving closer to the red wolf.

“I didn’t kill her because I don’t want to. Nothing can be gain from killing her.” the red wolf says this with a cautious look in his face. What did the black wolf wants?

“Yet you kill other wolves mercilessly, with no hesitation. Why is that, I wonder?” the black wolf continues putting doubt in the elder’s mind. The elder just stood there, listening to both of them.

“Look, if battle is what you want, then I’ll be gladly accept your challenge. The blue wolf has nothing to do with me.” the red wolf readies his battle position.

Suddenly the blue wolf come bursting from the cave, positions herself between the red wolf and the black wolf.

“What are you doing? Step aside!” the red wolf commands the blue wolf.

“No! If you want to attack them, then you have to go through me first!” the blue wolf responds. The thought of stopping the red wolf in his quest still in her mind.

“Well, well… Isn’t this interesting? The traitor, stopping the murderer in his path…” the black wolf mocks the blue wolf.

“Traitor? What… What are you talking about?” the blue wolf asks in the black wolf’s accusation, confused.

“It is clear isn’t it? That you are siding with the red wolf? And you–”

“Enough!” the elder shouts furiously. Feels that the black wolf has crossed the line. The black wolf fall quiet suddenly. angry that the elder interrupts him.

Turning his head to the blue wolf, the elder asks, “Is it true? You’re siding with the red wolf now?”

“What? No! I only meant to stop him from his foolish deed!” the blue wolf understands about what happened now. The black wolf is trying to frame her. He never liked her, and now is the best chance to get rid of her.

“Don’t play dumb! The way he protect you is proof enough that there is something between you two!” the black wolf shouted, feeling pissed because he feels the elder starts doubting him.

“Enough for this stupid talk! Elder, we must kill them both now! Before more wolves fell prey to their actions!” the black wolf still tries to convince the elder to attack.

“I will decide their fate, not you!” the elder glares at the black wolf furiously.

The elder again fixed his eyes to the blue and red wolf. The blue wolf still stands confused, while the red wolf still in his position to attack.

Just as the elder starts to speak again, the black wolf suddenly jumps and bite the elder’s throat. With no chance to retaliate, the elder’s fall with the black wolf still in his throat. Unable to do anything, let alone fight back, the elder dies, while regretting his decision to trust the black wolf.

The blue wolf and the red wolf can’t do anything to stop the attack. They just shocked at the swiftness of the black wolf, and the red wolf position is too far to defend, while the blue wolf can’t even move from the attack.

“You maybe decide their fate, but I decide yours. Now they will die, and you can’t defend your precious blue wolf anymore!” the black wolf releases his bite, knowing that the elder is dead.

The black wolf then howls, and from the woods comes a dozen wolves lead by the black wolf’s friend. they closes in the blue wolf and the red wolf positions. Completely surrounded, the red wolf worried he won’t be enough to defeat them all.

The blue wolf paralyzed by what the black wolf do, killing someone she holds dear. She just stands there seeing the elder’s lifeless body on the ground.

The black wolf moves to confront them both, with an evil glow in his eyes.

“Now, let the fun begins”

  1. ramarief posted this