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The Crazy Things I Do…

I watch a lot of reality TV (“don’t judge, it’s my thing”). Except I don’t watch like a normal person, I channel surf, leave the room to analyze the current status of my bangs in the bathroom mirror, get on my phone to Google puppy pics, etc. So most of the time, I miss a large portion of a show. Except this past Monday, when I was watching Housewives of Beverly Hills (hey, at least I don’t watch The Bachelor like every other chick). And thus began the obsession over a certain shower curtain (the one Yolanda set up in her daughter’s NYC pad). Lucky for me, another blogger had already posted info about it (, thanks!).

With furbaby in tow, I went in search of said shower curtain and soon realized that, A) ain’t nobody got $19.99 for a shower curtain and B) why do they make cotton shower curtains?!

So, I ended up filling my cart with $1 (sale!) spaghetti sauce and greek yogurt…and then made a pit stop in the clearance section, where I found the window curtain version of the shower curtain for $5!! In the worst possible color ever (I need blue, I tell you)!! Pretty sure it’s going back tomorrow.

That’s my boring story for Thursday. :/

Fashion Brownie

p.s. Aaaand I just realized you need two panels for one window. Awesome.

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