August 21, 2014


Yeah, well, maybe halfway there? But it’s looking better and better :o)

So a couple of friends (thank goodness for them) and my mum, sister and brother-in-law came to help with painting and moving; two thirds of the first coat are done, and most of the heavy stuff is now out of the way in storage in the guest room or the storeroom (man, that washing machine was heavy. I’m so relieved we had help!)

Both the kitchen and the parquet are stored too and waiting for us to finish painting. We’re still waiting for Saturday (new fridge!) and then we’ll be able to move in. Which I feel ambivalent about, since it means no mini-floods for every shower (YAY) but also no TV nor Internet to relax in the evening… which we need rather badly. Ah well :-/

Still, exhausted, rather daunted by what’s left to do, but relieved and quite excited :o]

  1. gorogues said: Awesome, you’re doing great :D
  2. belphegor1982 posted this