“ cadaverous-porcelain:
“ killthebloodyredprinceofdeath:
“ twistedfuckk:
“ we ran out of plates
this can possibly be the greatest photo on tumblr.
This can possibly be the most disrespectful photo on Tumblr. I am not saying that...





we ran out of plates

this can possibly be the greatest photo on tumblr.

This can possibly be the most disrespectful photo on Tumblr. I am not saying that you have to agree with what the bible says, but to utilize that book ‘as a plate’ knowing what it means to people, is just plain disrespectful. 

It’s sad that people are so full of anger when it comes to religion, that they would rather post photos like this than deal with their hostilities in a more appropriate way.

i’m sorry, i cant hear you over the sound of nOT BEING ABLE TO GET MARRIED BECAUSE OF THAT BOOK.

It’s not the book it’s the people who take what the Bible is saying out of context. The Bible should never be used as a reason to deny people their rights but it is and always has been. And that tarnishes it’s beauty and it’s message of love and acceptance.

(via aeh-n)

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    wow discourse really hasn’t evolved in the last 10 years huh

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