March 20, 2012
“ YO!
We’re playing the Brighton and Southampton dates. Sweet!
We’re playing the Bristol date. Super sweet!



We’re playing the Brighton and Southampton dates. Sweet!

We’re playing the Bristol date. Super sweet!

(via thesehandshavetouchedthesky-blog)

  1. moshtacherecords reblogged this from thesehandshavetouchedthesky-blog and added:
    Dirty Sunday.
  2. idontwanttoknowetc-blog reblogged this from thesehandshavetouchedthesky-blog and added:
    We’re playing the Bristol date. Super sweet!
  3. awwmate-blog reblogged this from ravacholband-blog and added:
    Shit. I’m away for all of these except Penzance… and that’s like a 7+ hour train journey.
  4. ravacholband-blog reblogged this from vinosangre and added:
    Stoked to be playing shows again!