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We Are Star Stuff

You are special.

Yes, you really are.

On a clear night, have you ever looked up at the stars and become mesmerized and awed by all those bits of light out there in the vast darkness of space? I know I have.

Have you ever felt small and insignificant in the span of things? I have, too.

Guess what?

No matter who you are, you are special. You like the stars in the sky? Those wondrous lights that guided the greatest of explorers and boldest of adventurers in times before modern navigation and helped people tell time before watches. Those twinkling lights, children wish upon at night. Whether you consider them divine lights given by Heaven or burning masses of gas in infinite reaches of the universe, the stuff of stars runs through your veins.  You are made of the stuff of the Big Bang. The stuff that expanded in the first moments of the birth of the universe. If you are a Creationist, remember this, you are made of stuff that God used to create the earth from the beginning where he established the lights of day and night, the firmament and waters, the plants and birds and animals.

You are made of the stuff that bards, mystics, poets, and authors still about…You are made of that!

You, I, We are made of star stuff! Isn’t that awesome?