July 25, 2014
"You let him dull you.
You were once shattered glass and he whittled away all the sharp edges.
He filed down your fangs; you have to cut your apples now.
Your claws and barbed-wire tongue are gone and you can’t remember where they went.
He is gone too.
There are more things you have forgotten: his sister’s birthday, what you were wearing when you met, the girl you were before him.
The girl you were before him.
You’re still breathing but she is a ghost. She’s a specter, and you will lay her to rest.
No. She is haunting you and you will bring her back to life.
You and her are one in the same and the recollections of the last time you felt alive are fuzzing at the edges.
You will bring her back to life and you will stop yourself from dying.
You will forget him, you will forget him, you will forget him.
You cannot stop this. Instead, stop clinging to the memories.
Forget him.
Remember yourself."

— This is not the end. This is your resurrection.  (via poppyflowerpoetry)

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