June 3, 2014
Apple Design Awards 2014
Apple has handed out its design awards to apps that the company judged to be “exceptional (in combining) design and technology in creative, compelling, and powerful ways.” This site gives info on the winning 
apps of 2014 and...

Apple Design Awards 2014

Apple has handed out its design awards to apps that the company judged to be “exceptional (in combining) design and technology in creative, compelling, and powerful ways.” This site gives info on the winning 
apps of 2014 and the developers behind them.


Some of the apps that caught my eye:

Device 6https://developer.apple.com/design/awards/2014/DEVICE-6/

A surreal and thrilling game in which the written word is both your map and your narrator.

Device 6

Device 6

Monument Valley https://developer.apple.com/design/awards/2014/Monument-Valley/

Guide a silent princess through a fantasy world by manipulating unique architectural monuments.

Monument Valley

Monument Valley

All of the apps are worth checking out, for inspiration and a view into what Apple perceives at the best work going on in the app development and design space.


11:26am  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/Zutf2y1HhNlF4
Filed under: apple app design Awards