March 13, 2014
Adaptogens, rhodioloa, seretonin and enhanced recovery from training stress.

My old teammate Jordan Cheyne, wrote a blog post about the benefits of beta-alanine. It’s one of the essential amino acids we find in our diet.  I disagreed that it had much benefit for sports performance.  This is because when I searched through various scientific journals found there was little support for it.  Anecdotally, he said that he found that Optygen from first endurance worked for him.  Interestingly, it contains rhodiola, it is supposed prevent the degradation of serotonin.  Seretonin happens to get depleted from training and carb depletion. So ideally rhodiola should offset mood disturbances from maintaining negative energy balance.

This article points to rhodiola preventing adipose accumulation in rats.

Rhodiola and its influence on tt performance.

Nothing happens in a vacuum, this page lead me to research for rhodiola.

  1. shortandsweetvelo posted this