December 25, 2013
Falkirk, UK
Two gigantic 98.2-foot (30 meters) high horse heads have just been completed in Scotland. They call them The Kelpies, and one day Hobbits and Elves will pass by them en route to drop some ring somewhere. They were designed by sculptor...

Falkirk, UK

Two gigantic 98.2-foot (30 meters) high horse heads have just been completed in Scotland. They call them The Kelpies, and one day Hobbits and Elves will pass by them en route to drop some ring somewhere. They were designed by sculptor Andy Scott and built using steel for both the structure and the cladding right next to the Forth and Clyde Canal in Falkirk, in Scotland, as part of a land transformation project called The Helix. (via Sploid. Image by Jimmy White)

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