October 20, 2012
Parallel universes - cartoon
At the European Council, François Hollande and Angela Merkel remain divided on the issue of ECB supervision of European banks. Meanwhile, in the Greek capital, the growing number of violent attacks on immigrants mounted...

Parallel universes - cartoon

At the European Council, François Hollande and Angela Merkel remain divided on the issue of ECB supervision of European banks. Meanwhile, in the Greek capital, the growing number of violent attacks on immigrants mounted by neo-Nazi activists of the Golden Dawn party is met with indifference by the country’s political class. Recently Greek MP Eleni Zaroulia, who is the wife of the leader of Golden Dawn, Nikos Michaloliakos, and a member of the European Council’s commission on equality and non-discrimination, described immigrants as subhuman in a speech to parliament. (via Presseurop)

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