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 Anonymous said:

HoWd YoU cOmE uP wItH yOuR aWeSoMe UsErNaMe?

Hi, anon chan!!! (。・ω・。)ノ
oh…awawaw…Thank you!! I’m really glad you like it!!(ノ´∀`)

“Kainight” is a OC of an original story made by me!
She’s a young and cold net-detective.
Kainight is the nickname she uses online! (Her real name is Cristel..but this is another story…>//3//>)image

(so cheerful, isn’t she??!! (°▽°;)
She’s half Japanese and half English, …so, a nickname made up of Japanese and english’s words would have been suitable:
hence Kainight!
and its anagram, Ai (no) Knight
This nickname’ve sounded so good that at the end I’ve choosen it for myself!! ~(^з^)-☆

Have a nice day deaaaaaaar!!(≧∇≦)/

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