Hey howdy, Brewt Squad! Time again for our monthly celebration of beer and beer related boondogglery. We are pleased to welcome Tallgrass Brewing Company all the way from The Little Apple: Manhattan, Kansas.

Tallgrass has been producing their delicious, award winning beers since 2007. In 2010 they made the decision to exclusively can their beer, a choice passionately explained in their “Canifesto”. Turns out that their cans makes Tallgrass a perfect beer for the Ozarks, with our amazing array of natural wonders and fun to be had outdoors. From the delicious, quirky 8-Bit Pale Ale to the creamy and smooth Buffalo Sweat Stout and it’s incredibly tasty seasonal partner Vanilla Bean Buffalo Sweat; from the lush, rich Velvet Rooster Trippel to the crisp, refreshing Halcyon Wheat - Tallgrass has a beer to please your palate. Come enjoy some with us.

As always, Chef Daniel Stern will be whipping up tantalizing treats to pair with the beer.

FREE to attend! Bring a friend!

Thursday April 17th, 5:30-7:00 PM at Mama Jean’s 3530 E. Sunshine.