
please stop calling Black children who have different interests and tastes white

it’s damaging and alienating

(via weareallmixedup)

  1. theblkjacktirpper reblogged this from overn-donewit-em
  2. bohooaktown said: @ladeyyydeadpool who are yall dealing with⁉️there are plenty of Black people who have not internalized racism. Get to know them. Try Afrocentricity, we don’t play the dumb shit. What a nonsense battle in 2024.
  3. bohooaktown said: @jk-reblogging impossible. World can’t be saved. So Not really. Just being himself and hit lucky. And that’s enough.
  4. bohooaktown said: Yeah that but don’t worry about it. Know who you are and do whatever you like!
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