Earlier this evening I had the privilege of being front row for the very first Royal Botanical Runway event. 

1400 fashionistas assembled at Guilfoyle’s Volcano in the Royal Botanic Gardens, South Yarra to witness four amazing designers present their SS14 collections.

Akira Isogawa, Martin Grant and Aurelio Costarella all presented stunning garments down the 500 metres of meandering runway. Although, it was retiring Collette Dinnigan whose signature French lace pieces that attracted the most attention. 

I don’t know if it was the incredibly thought provoking soundtrack that accompanied the models walk, but the entire evening was sensationally inspiring- something I didn’t expect when I rocked up to the gig but probably the one thing I’ll remember. Oh, and getting all Japanesey squeezy with Akira Isogawa

Happy, tash xxox.


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