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‘Lost In Space’ - Tour of Our Solar System - JUPITER

JUST published at The Other Shoe. Written by Danny Hanning.
“Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As another week has passed I bring to you, My Dear Readers, another edition of ‘Lost In Space’. This week I bring to you, out of our ‘Solar System Tour’ series, the behemoth of Sol Jupiter! The single largest planet in our solar system, with a surface area of just under twenty-four BILLION square miles, a mass that is nearly 320 times Earth’s, a radius of 43,441 miles, and an orbital period of twelve years![1] Jupiter is the first of the Jovian ‘Gas Giants’ and lies just beyond the asteroid belt separating the terrestrial planets from these Jovian ‘Gas Giants’. ”
This is the LAST in the ‘Tour of Our Solar System’ series for 'Lost in Space’. Next week I will publish a 'Review’ of the many articles that made up this wonderful series. Until then, drop by and take a gander at all the incredible images I have to offer of this 'Jovian Gas Giant’ JUPITER!
PLEASE DONATE TO Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund at Indiegogo

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