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Ebola and YOU! FACTS vs. Fiction

JUST published at The Other Shoe. Written by Danny Hanning.
“Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe! YES! Yes it has been a very long time since I wrote or published here at The Other Shoe. Now, as for that and the reasons for my absence? I will leave that for another article later this week. Look for that information in an all new edition of ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’. I anticipate that article to be published on Thursday or Friday of this week. Finally, before we get to the subject at hand, I would like to announce that ‘The Horror in Smithville’ will not conclude before or on Halloween… this year. The story, and the one after this one, will continue here for the next several months… or years. ”
THIS is an IMPORTANT article for MANY reasons. Ebola is a very serious disease, but it is being USED by certain politicians to create FEAR! That is just WRONG! Here are the FACTS about EBOLA. Anything else you might here? IS WRONG and just fear mongering!

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