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An estimated 46,000 pieces of plastic are afloat on every sq mile of ocean. The world must act to protect the oceans. Spread the word on June 8th, World Oceans Day.
“  It’s no secret that the world’s ocean trash problem is getting bad; looking at a...

An estimated 46,000 pieces of plastic are afloat on every sq mile of ocean. The world must act to protect the oceans. Spread the word on June 8th, World Oceans Day.

via fastcompany:

It’s no secret that the world’s ocean trash problem is getting bad; looking at a handful of images from the Texas-sized Pacific garbage patch should be enough to convince anyone. As for all of our litter that doesn’t end up in the middle of the ocean? It often stays close to shore, where volunteers for Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup pick some of it up, cataloging all the items they find. 

The 10 types of trash that are littering our beaches



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