
From time immemorial, the artisans of the Lake Pátzcuaro region have made diverse objects fromtule and chuspata, a variety of bulrush. At first, they only produced bedrolls, the use of which continues to this day among indigenous peoples. Today they make baskets, floor coverings, and a variety of decorative figures, representing images of daily life in the surrounding area, revolutionary (armed) guards, religious figures, angels, virgens, musicinas, fishes, planes, skeletons…etc.

Miguel Ramirez Perez, (Ichupio, Tzintzuntzan, Michoacan, MX), and his fantastic world made of straw and “chuspata” (a variety of bulrush). All material used is obtained on Lake Patzcuaro’s lakeshore.
You can find Miguel on the lake road between Tzintzuntzan and Ihuatzio, at Ichupio’s level… or on the Tzintzuntzan market, mainly on Saturdays and Sundays…
Can you imagine a world without the artisans?… I cannot!

Support the artisans, buy from them!

© Florence Leyret Jeune

Posted on 23 November 2013, at 10.44pm, with 2,327 notes
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