


Casual shipment of gems from my jeweler #help #WIML by nichazoid

Casual shipment of gems from my jeweler #help #WIML by nichazoid

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  10. m-atte reblogged this from richkidsofinstagram
  11. galaxycunt reblogged this from richkidsofinstagram and added:
    What are you a pirate?
  12. bagjuicemami reblogged this from richkidsofinstagram
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  14. paradoxigirl reblogged this from richkidsofinstagram
  15. sneakyblender reblogged this from richkidsofinstagram
  16. liampayneisafuckboy reblogged this from richkidsofinstagram and added:
    wtf who has their own jeweler and who just ships huge piles of precious stones to each other how what why
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